Thursday, May 5, 2016

FAQ as of 5/7/16 10:40 AM

Answers to some questions that have been asked are below. If a question is highlighted it was added after 5/5/16 or has changed in some way.

Q: Why are there so many questions?

A:  The goal is to gather as much information as possible in order to promote the greatest impact from the results.

Q:  Why does it take forever to complete the survey?

A:  Even if you don't have much to say, you may feel like it takes an eternity to complete the survey, and for some people based on in-depth comments, it can take an hour or longer. A survey of this magnitude is very serious and if you're willing to spend the time it takes to answer it, you're serious, and the Diocese of Gary will logically take this much more seriously.

Q:  How long will the survey be open?

A:  There is an ALUMNI ONLY Listening Session at Andrean High School on Tuesday, May 10 at 6:30 PM in the school's cafeteria. As a result, it has been determined that the survey will be closed out in the early hours of May 11, giving those that attend that meeting a chance to come home and fill out the survey.

Q:  How many people have responded to the survey so far?

A:  As of 9:15 PM 5/5/16, there are 111 responses.

Q:  Anything useful in these responses?

A:  Very much so.

Q:  How do I know you do not work for Andrean or the Diocese of Gary?

A:  This survey is being independently conducted. The creator(s) is/are not employed by either organization. Andrean nor the Diocese of Gary requested this survey be created.

Q:  You used the Andrean Crest. Isn't that illegal?

A:  No, not at all. The Andrean Crest is not trademarked or signature marked. As such, there are no legal restrictions on its use as long as it is not used for illegal activities such as pretending to represent the school, be the school, or work on behalf of the school when none of those factors are true.

Q:  Is there a limit to how much I can type?

A:  As it turns out, yes. A respondent had some extremely lengthy comments that caused him/her to open a new survey just to place that text. You will get a notice when you click NEXT if there is an issue. This won't happen with most people, but again, some VERY lengthy comments.  If that happens to you, just copy and paste chunks at a time into Notepad or any word processing program, and click NEXT until it stops giving you that message. It is based on the page you're on and not the whole survey, so you may be able to paste that overflow into the end comments. You can also email to but please see the original post on this blog, "What's this?" to review privacy information.


A:  You get your anonymity, so there is no reason the creator(s) shouldn't get the same. At this moment, the creator(s) plan to identify himself/herself/themselves to the Diocese of Gary at the time of delivery of results of the survey. The element of secrecy is for one reason and one reason only. To confirm publicly the identity of the creator(s) could affect the results of the survey itself. In order to preserve the sanctity, legitimacy, etc., of the results, it is important that the creator(s) is/are not known at this point.

Q:  Are you a member of the press/media?

A:  No.

Q:  When will the Diocese of Gary receive the results of this survey?

A:  It is intended that the Diocese of Gary will be delivered the survey results and comments on Friday, May 13. The fact that it is Friday the 13th is purely coincidental and nothing should be read into that date.
  As (if) more questions come in, this FAQ will be expanded.