Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Some more insight to show the process.

There is a strong desire to keep negativity that was shared in the survey out of the public eye for as much as people want to read all "the dirt". The only negative result that is being shared at the moment is an excerpt from the report being sent to the Diocese of Gary. Based on information shared since this survey ended, there is a higher confidence level toward the future of Andrean based on actions taken by the Diocese of Gary. This statistic was relayed with the following comment to drive it home.

FIRST AND FOREMOST, the first question and answer displayed (all of which were rearranged to flow more smoothly in the reports), was “The Diocese of Gary is going to take our concerns seriously.”  Out of 99 that answered, 57 feel you will not and 42 feel you will. Hopefully, the 57 are wrong.
In addition, we advised the Diocese of the following:

A few considerations when reviewing the responses:

  • ·         All questions aside from Demographics were optional.
  • ·         People typically answered based on direct knowledge of the employee.
  • ·         There will almost always be someone that does not like an employee no matter what.
  • ·         The type of interaction a participant has with an employee affects the number of responses.
  • ·         NEVER was the response expected to be so strong. You can say "just" 125 people completed the survey, but not included would be those that forgot to hit SUBMIT at the end, of which there is no way to know if that happened, as well as those that decided it was too involved and quit early on. another statistic that cannot be determined.
  • ·         What is certain is this; there are some very consistent overall opinions about the school and its employees, past and present, and this survey was not a waste of time for anyone that participated.