Thursday, May 5, 2016

What's this?


This blog has been created for the purpose of sharing information as well as collecting information. It is not a witch hunt. The Diocese of Gary has received an abundant amount of information already, but the responses in this survey are very insightful not only to the negative but to the positive as well. People tend to fear speaking out for various reasons and because it is critically important that the Diocese of Gary knows EVERYTHING they should instead of what people aren't afraid to say, which could be watered down, this survey will fill in the blanks for them.

If you have not completed the Andrean High School TrueSpeak Survey, please do that at THIS LINK.

If you would prefer to email direct comments instead or have afterthoughts that you'd like to share, please email by clicking THIS LINK.

Whether or not you complete the survey, if you would like the shareable results sent to you after the survey closes, send an email by clicking THIS LINK. and put INCLUDE ME in the subject.

IMPORTANT - The Andrean TrueSpeak Survey is a COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS survey. At this end of things, there is no way to know who you are when you take the survey.  If you email your comments, then of course it is known on this side who you are HOWEVER YOUR IDENTITY WILL NOT BE REVEALED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES WHATSOEVER. Any emailed comments will be redacted to protect your identity prior to sharing with the Diocese of Gary. Absolutely no alteration to the content will be made, however. Comment you make on this blog directly are moderated, meaning they will not appear unless approved. TO PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY, comments will NOT be approved, but will be treated in the same way email will be.

If you have any questions, please email by clicking THIS LINK.  Please understand that you can ask any question you want, but the answer may not be known or may not be able to be shared. Common questions will be posted (without your identity, of course) on this blog to provide answers to the interested community.

Subscribing to this blog or following the Twitter page at may be visible to others but does not indicate whether you have or have not completed a survey.

Make the best of this opportunity and sing like a bird........... the good and the bad!

Thank you.