Friday, May 20, 2016

New Q&A

Several new questions have come through in the past week so here is the answer to all of them!

How was the survey presented to the diocese?

The survey was packaged carefully and shipped UPS on Wednesday. It arrived at the Diocese of Gary Friday,  05/20/2016 at 1:57 P.M. to the attention of Dr. Tony Bonta.

How quickly will the diocese review the info?

The answer to that question is not known to anyone. They need a chance to go through it and it will probably take many hours.

What if they say they never looked at it?

If you had that in front of you, would you look at it? They will look at it.

The diocese can't do anything with that information anyhow can they?

The Diocese of Gary can do anything they want to with the data they have received as long as it is legal. As for matters of employment, there are laws, but those laws also allow an employer to terminate anyone even without a reason unless a contract says otherwise. They do not have to tell anyone what is in the data. 

If someone really hated a teacher couldn't they make up stuff to get them fired?

Consistency is the key. The comments throughout the survey are very consistent whether positive or negative. It is up to the judgement of the Diocese of Gary to decide what is relevant. In an earlier post, it was explained how this survey was created. You can review that for more details. To give you a clear answer to your question, yes but without the consistency it would likely be viewed as irrelevant or made up. ALMOST EVERYONE had a negative comment made about them in the survey. That does not mean almost everyone should be fired.

How much did it cost to do make the survey?

The actual creation cost nothing because it was done through Google Forms. Nobody received any compensation for their contributions outside of the organization. Nobody within the organization received any compensation. All were volunteers. It cost about $200.00 for printing and shipping the survey results to the Diocese of Gary. Based on the number of hours put into the creation and compliation of the survey and its data and based on the average wage that would have been paid, it would have cost approximately $2,496 in gross payroll costs to make this happen. A company should expect to be charged between $5,000 & $8,500. Approximately 100 hours went into creation and processing of the survey combined. A REMINDER ONCE AGAIN THAT THIS SURVEY WAS NOT CREATED AT THE REQUEST OF ANDREAN HIGH SCHOOL OR THE DIOCESE OF GARY. NEITHER PARTY IS BEING CHARGED ANYTHING FOR THIS PROJECT. This is a case where it is better to donate time and resources to help an important organization (school) in the region and not need any special recognition.

Is TrueSpeak Survey an actual company?

The fact no special recognition is desired is the reason the actual company name behind this was not revealed. Although TrueSpeak Survey is NOT an actual company, the company that conducted this survey and all the data compilations is a marketing & research company located in Chicagoland and provides a variety of similar services throughout the United States and some foreign countries.

Was it hard to do this?

Every survey developed is custom tailored for the customer. It is not hard to do this when you do it all the time but every survey has its own needs.

There is a rumor this is all going to be in the newspapers! Is it true?

This office has not been contacted by the media. The data is considered proprietary, meaning it belongs to TrueSpeak Survey with granted rights to the Diocese of Gary as the designated recipient. It will be the decision of the Diocese of Gary whether they wish to share any of the data with the public. If you are hoping all the negative comments will be on display, that is not likely, at least not naming specific people.