Monday, May 16, 2016

SOME Survey Details To Be Released Today!

In answer to the most popular question, no, the Diocese of Gary did not receive any survey results on Friday as was planned. This is because of the magnitude of information received. In totality, 125 people spent an hour or more responding to the survey, many had to have spent more than an hour based on how many comments were added.

SOME survey details will be released today, PRIOR to sending that information to the Diocese of Gary.

Please continue to monitor this blog for those information releases. There will be several updates released.

As for delivering the entire portfolio to the Diocese of Gary, it is not done yet and it needs to be sent in a useful way to them so that it can be interpreted easily and quickly.

A few stats:

There are presently three separate reports being tidied up.

228 pages
135 pages
50 pages

These 413 pages will not be where it ends. It is estimated that the final report will be 500 pages.

NEVER was the response expected to be so strong. You can say "just" 125 people completed the survey, but not included would be those that forgot to hit SUBMIT at the end, of which there is no way to know if that happened, as well as those that decided it was too involved and quit early on. another statistic that can not be determined.

What is certain is this; there are some very consistent overall opinions about the school and its employees, past and present, and this survey was not a waste of time for anyone that participated.

Stay tuned!