Monday, May 16, 2016

A few stats on the TrueSpeak Survey

A few stats on the TrueSpeak Survey:

108 employees were included in the survey.

Of these 73 are current employees *

Of these 35 are former employees

One former employee was written in, accidentally omitted and not included in these figures, but the employee's information is being included in the report being sent to the Diocese of Gary.

In processing the results, it is important to consider the length of time and employee has / had been employed at the school, how much their position involves interacting with the various participants, and the severity of any negative comments received. The Diocese of Gary is asked to keep this information in mind while analyzing the reports they will receive soon.

The top ranking employee came in at 95% and determined the curve to be used for the rest of the employees.

The bottom ranking employee came in at 26%.

Two current employees tied for 1st place on who should NOT remain with Andrean. Each of these people received 58 votes to terminate.

Four current employees received NO votes for termination!

Several employees received between 1 and 10 votes for termination, which is relatively low and expected. Nobody likes everyone, right?

There are 26 employees that received more than 10 votes for termination. Of these, three received between 20-29, six received 30-39, two received 40-49, and four received between 50-58.

The top number of votes received for the RETURN of a former employee was 85.

Two former employees had NO votes to return.

Double digit votes to return are in the following totals:

10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 20, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 49, 54, 57, 58, 64, 76, 82, 85

Comments about individual employees total 135 pages and include 27,362 words!

Targeted department & group comments as well as end of survey open comments consume an additional 50 pages and include 13,656 words.

All together, participants spoke out using 41,018 words on 185 pages! Now that's using your words!

Converting those words into panda bears, you'd have about 124 pandas in front of you at 334 pounds each.  Who wouldn't want that? **

* Rick Piwowarski was included with Current Employees as he was actively employed at the time the survey was conducted, and as it is understood, is passively employed until June 30.

** Source: