Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Is everything REALLY being shared?

Is everything REALLY being shared with the Diocese of Gary?

MOST DEFINITELY! So much so that it was necessary to warn them in advance that nothing was left out. So in case you wondered if everything is making its way to the eyes of the Diocese of Gary, yes. Even the inappropriate and senseless comments. Luckily that only accounts for a very small percentage.

Please be warned: As a general rule, the comments are, as requested, thoughtful whether negative or positive. Unfortunately, due to a combination of apparent anger in some cases, freedom to speak completely freely in others, and immaturity in a few, there are some vulgar words used throughout various comments whether derogatory or sexual in nature. It was decided prior to creation of the survey that absolutely no data would be altered in any way, so you are seeing it word for word how it was received, grammar and spelling errors included.